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The Full Story


We are a small family run business.

Our passion for animal care led us to open a business solely dedicated to studying parasitology and microscopy. Mel, being our previous veterinary student wanted to put her knowledge to good use.


With 6 years of experience in vet school and an honours degree in Animal Science from The University of Liverpool, Mel is well-equipped to provide expert insights and knowledge in this field.

Mel has received extensive training from renowned professionals such as Professor Diana Williams - Associate Diplomate of the European Veterinary Parasitology College.


Not only do we carry out faecal analysis, we also sex monomorphic avians such as parrots, for wildlife centres, parks, breeders and pet owners.

See our sister site at!




At our company, we believe in educating pet owners about anthelmintic resistance and blanket parasite treatment. We encourage pet owners to seek testing instead of resort to blanket treatment with chemicals or holistics.


After all, you wouldn't take antibiotics before you catch an infection, would you?


The same principle applies to anthelmintics such as worming tablets.

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